Radiantly clean garden furniture

The first warm spring days are just the right time to ginger up your terrace or balcony again and prepare for the coming season. The anticipation of cosy or convivial hours outdoors is great, but for this first dust and dirt from the cold season have to be removed. To remove stubborn dirt and give your terrace a new shine, the Thermostar Heat Cleaner is the perfect solution. It offers absolute cleanliness and is completely environmentally friendly.

For garden furniture, whether made of plastic, wood or metal, to shine again, there are all kinds of tips and advice on the Internet. These are, among other things, the use of household remedies or aggressive, chemical cleaning agents, which supposedly promise an impeccable cleaning. These are often not only extremely toxic, but the irritating cleaning agents can also leave scratches on the surfaces or allow sensitive materials to fade. With your Thermostar device, you only need tap water and nothing else. In addition to saving time, garden furniture is effortlessly, quickly and efficiently cleared of dirt – without any chemicals.

Thermostar - für strahlende Sauberkeit im AußenbereichThermostar - für strahlende Sauberkeit im Außenbereich

One Thermostar – all clean


In addition to the garden furniture, your terrace floor, the barbecue, the stone fountain, the pool and even awnings and shutters can be perfectly cleaned with the Thermostar device. You will soon discover what works best with which accessories. As a rule of thumb, for sensitive materials – or if you are not sure – work with cloths or the steam lance; for stone, or coarse dirt, try the plastic brushes in different sizes. You can use a stainless steel bust for the grill grate.

Particular caution is required when cleaning wooden furniture. Here it is recommended to work with a small level of steam, so that little moisture is applied to the furniture’s surface. Dirt is still effectively removed and can then be easily wiped clean. In this particular case, use a terry towel that works better than microfibre on rough wood surfaces!

After cleaning, we recommend treating garden furniture with Pro Seal. This sealant made of pure silicon covers your surfaces like liquid glass, and perfectly protects them against new soiling, rain or other environmental influences.

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The extensions

Whether on the ground or in the air: with the extensions your work will always be facilitated! With them you will be able to powerfully clean the floor without having to bend over and you will also be able to clean high windows and hard-to-reach spots without a ladder. The extensions are available in two different sizes, so you can adjust your Thermostar device to your own body height perfectly.

What sounds so simple here is in fact a big issue for many people! More and more people suffer from tension, back or shoulder pain, and completely cleaning your home becomes a feat of strength, which lingers for many days with severe pain at times. With the heat and power of your Thermostar and the right accessories, cleaning will be easier in all areas and your quality of life will increase considerably!


More accessories

Tips from the Thermostar expert

Stainless steel accessories

Special stainless steel accessories are available for commercial cleaning and for some very robust and heavily soiled areas at home. There are small round brushes, a joint brush and a stainless steel steam spatula that can be attached to the steam lance. But always be extra careful with this very hard material when cleaning! Often the softer version made of brass will do and the surface can be protected. It is always advisable to try it in hidden spots before starting large-scale cleaning.

Cleaning stone tiles

While you use the large brushes with an inserted microfibre cloth in your home in 99% of all cases, the terrace or balcony floor prefers intensive treatment with the plastic bristles. With outdoor stone tiles, always clean the joints first, then use the large plastic brush to remove the residues and dirt on the surfaces. Finally, remove loosened dirt with a cloth or mop. But be prepared to clean the entire floor area, because you will see the difference!

Moss and discolouration

If you find weather-related discolouration or even moss deposits on the facade, on stone sculptures or your fountain, then grab the triangular brush and your Thermostar device. Due to the pressure and heat of your Thermostar device, these annoying deposits can be removed without poison and elaborate special cleaning. Simply slide slowly and carefully over the affected areas. If you also have mould, we recommend using HB Solution after thorough cleaning to effectively fight the spores!

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