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Medicleantec Micro Cleaner

The green revolution in commercial cleaning

Medicleantec Micro dry steam cleaner with practical trolley

Cleanliness is one of the most important criteria with regard to whether guests, customers or patients enjoy coming back to you, and it is the prerequisite for proper hygiene. The Medicleantec Micro Cleaner cleans only with water; no cleaning agents are required. It is more efficient than conventional processes and its operation is 100% residue-free and hygienic. This way, you can protect the environment, your health and save money and time on many cleaning jobs at the same time!
This makes Medicleantec a pioneer for the future when it comes to cleaning, because the problem in commercial cleaning is no longer dirt, but rather chemical residues, multidrug-resistant germs and the health risks posed to staff and customers by aggressive cleaning agents.

We use tonnes of cleaning agents every day according to the motto “the more, the better”. There is also a modern solution for cleaning in a sustainably cleaner and hygienic way. The Medicleantec Micro Cleaner has been developed for industrial and commercial companies’ needs and is perfect for 24-hour use. It works with saturated micro-dry steam that cleans all surfaces from heavily encrusted grills, tiles to upholstery and car seats deep down and hygienically.

With the Micro Cleaner, we will not only provide you with the right cleaning product, but will also train you and your employees and also draw up the right green cleaning concept to completely change your company to one “without chemicals”. Solve all your cleaning tasks with no residues and without aggressive cleaning agents or toxic wastewater. Save time, money and protect the environment, your health and that of your employees and customers.


Find out more


Why Medicleantec?

The key advantages compared to traditional cleaning methods

  • 100% hygiene

    by reducing
    bacteria, viruses and
    germs with intense heat

  • Industry standards

    manufactured to the highest
    quality standards, it offers
    the highest performance

  • Green cleaning concept

    comprehensive advice
    and a green cleaning
    service for your business

  • Universal application

    a product suitable
    for all industries and
    areas of application

  • International dealer network

    with comprehensive
    knowledge on the subject
    commercial cleaning

  • 100% free of chemicals

    and therefore no
    breeding ground for dirt
    and multidrug-resistant germs

  • 100% healthy

    and the perfect
    solution for allergy sufferers,
    and those with respiratory and skin problems

  • Environmental protection

    by minimising water
    consumption and avoiding
    toxic wastewater

The best expertise for your business

Fritz Pattis is a recognised expert in commercial cleaning and the father of the Medicleantec idea. Thanks to his experience and tireless efforts, it was possible to develop a completely new product in 2018 – optimised for professional needs in hotels, hospitals, the catering area and many other companies. Countless appearances on TV, radio and podcasts underline green cleaning and its significance for the future. As President of Medicleantec, he is continuously striving to bring his green cleaning concept to the world. His recently published book entitled “CHEMIE – NEIN DANK” provides answers to very specific questions on this topic.


Clean all problematic areas quickly, thoroughly and hygienically. Due to its compact size, it is perfectly suited for all areas.

The Medicleantec Micro Cleaner is as versatile as your needs dictate. Thanks to an extensive range of accessories – developed by experts with decades of experience – you only need this for your cleaning needs. You will be astounded by the amount of time and money you save, as well as how easy it is to handle. Experience a new kind of cleanliness in your company; your employees and customers will thank you for it!

Hotel industry
Hotel industry
Educational facilities
Educational facilities
Food industry
Food industry

The 3 pillars of the Green cleaning concept:

Cleaning and hygiene

With high-quality micro-dry steam, you can clean all surfaces without chemicals and cleaning agents and without leaving any residues.
Therefore, the corresponding areas are also perfectly prepared for possible disinfection with our HB Solution. This safe water-based disinfecting solution does not contain any hazardous substances for humans or animals and meets all the necessary criteria for cleaning your company in a professional manner.

Finishing of surfaces

Finish surfaces that have been cleaned deep down with PRO Seal. Pure silicon envelops the treated materials like liquid glass.
This prevents re-soiling, and the next cleaning cycle will be completely hassle-free.

Optimisation of cleaning processes

We have optimised cleaning processes and completely dispense with the use of cleaning agents. Standardised processes simplify work, gets it done faster and reduces physical exertion. We will give you comprehensive advice on how to transition your company to green cleaning and will also take care of the regular servicing of your Medicleantec.

Medicleantec in the hotel industry

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